Bilder hochladen

Monday 16 May 2011

Albania finished 14th in the semi

The semi final results have been released, and they show that Albania with their 47 points, missed 8-9 points from qualifying. Albania received 7 countries, most from Greece, that gave 12 points. Albania gave their highest score to Turkey, which ended up with the same score as Aurela, but placed 13th because they received points from more countries than Albania.

Also this year the voting in Eurovision is political, like for example Albanian newspaper Telegrafi claims. The results actually show something different, with Malta scoring better than Turkey and Armenia, as an example. Almost all countries, Albania included has some neighbours which are likely to give some points. So, let's wait and see if someone actually says that the reason for their success is political voting instead...

Who felt the most passion, the jury or the European people? We'll give you the separate results when they come out!

1 comment:

  1. Kur bëhet fjalë për martesën, divorcin, ndarjen apo ndonjë problem marrëdhënieje, unë rekomandoj Nënën Ellen, ajo më ndihmoi të rregulloja martesën time në më pak se tre ditë, familja ime është e bashkuar dhe e lumtur, e gjitha kjo falë këshillave dhe magjive të fuqishme të Nënë Ellen. Nëse jeni duke u përballur me ndonjë problem marrëdhënieje ose problem infertiliteti, thjesht kontaktoni nënën Ellen dhe shpjegoni situatën tuaj, ajo me siguri do t'ju ndihmojë. Ky është informacioni i kontaktit të nënës Ellen Email:
    WhatsApp: +2349074881619
