Monday, 31 May 2010
Where have we been?
Since the final of the Eurovision Songcontest, there has been no article on this page and i'm sorry for all who visited to see new articles. I had an important school exam today and my only time left to exercise was yesterday after the ESC final.
From tomorrow on I am going to be in Romania, for a whole week, so that I'm not going to be able to write any article in that time. Ole, our Norvegian autor in this blog will help out in this period of my absence again, thanks for that :D
After my comeback from Romania, which placed surprisingly high this year, we will have a look on our polls on the right, see what reactions Juliana after the final got and more.
I have been watching ESC in Düsseldorf, Germany in a movie theatre, Ole was live in Oslo.
Seems like next year it's me who will report live from the venue and Ole from home sweet home :).
Congrats to Germany and Lena
See you in a week,
Friday, 28 May 2010
Juliana giving conert in "Eurovision Village"
Two videos from the concert of Juliana Pasha in the Eruovision Village, which is located right in front of the Arena in Oslo, are uploaded to youtube now.
Everyone can enjoy her "It's all about you" and even more her "Après toi", a former ESC winning song, presentation.
"Après toi"
Two videos from the concert of Juliana Pasha in the Eruovision Village, which is located right in front of the Arena in Oslo, are uploaded to youtube now.
Everyone can enjoy her "It's all about you" and even more her "Après toi", a former ESC winning song, presentation.
"It's all about you"
"Après toi"
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Audience loved Albania!

Ole reporting for us Live from Oslo
Many have said that the first semifinal is the weakest of the two, but there were three countries that really got the crowd cheering: Serbia, Iceland, and Albania! These were the only preformances where the audience stood up during the whole songs. Albanian flags were well represented in the arena, which was filled with a friendly atmosphere, where the albanians were waving their flags a lot for Serbia as well.
The only bad thing I can say about the arrangement, was that the arena was far from full. I can't wait for the final, where I'm sure Albania will be well received.
Albania qualifies for the final!
Actually, I thought we would not get through when I saw that only 2 envelopes remained and Slovakia and Iceland and Finland and Latvia had a chance to get one of those, too. But the relieving envelope 9 was filled with the Albanian flag. Now, Juliana gets a second chance to enjoy the stage of Oslo. She gave a solid performance, though in my opinion not her best and I hope she will be better on the final night on Saturday.

Her biggest opponent in terms of voice and dance-pop-diva song, Hera Björk, is starting on position 16 right after Juliana in the final, which will lead to a direct comparison of these two contestants, excitement is rising.
For me the worst decision ever made by the EBU was to have juries in the Semis, poor Slovakia, Finland...
Write a comment about your thoughts of Juliana's perfo and the other contestants!
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Juliana gives concert in Norvegian school.
Yesterday, the Albanian Delegation arranged a concert for Juliana Pasha in a Norvegian School in Vøyenenga, a little town 20 kilometres to the west of Oslo. Collecting votes from the students, she gave a live presentation of "It's all about you", accompained by her three American background singers. The students had the oportunity to shake hands with the Albanian represantative afterwards and got school out (guess, which news they liked the most).
See the full concert (+ a schoolgroup concert) in the video below.
If you have a close look to the background, you can see a board with posters and facts about Albania (flags, traditional clothes etc...). Seems like this school learned much about our little country and had a very cultural day. Nice to see that.
Happy Birthday to Ju!
Would Juliana ever have thought that her 30th birthday was going to be during a visit to Norway?
Tomorrow she is going to have her second rehearsal.
Additionally, there will be an article about every press conference and interview Juliana held in Oslo in the next days.
But today, It's all about You-liana, wishes her the very best for the (near and far) future and succesful performences at the ESC.
Tomorrow she is going to have her second rehearsal.
Additionally, there will be an article about every press conference and interview Juliana held in Oslo in the next days.
But today, It's all about You-liana, wishes her the very best for the (near and far) future and succesful performences at the ESC.
Monday, 17 May 2010
First rehearsal for Albania

Juliana was accompained by three backing vocalists and violinist Olen Çezari at the today's rehearsal. Unlike last year, Albania doesn't have a choreographer for Eurovision. Even though Juliana doesn't move around on stage, the act seems very energetic. In the background, we can spot the bubbles that are a part of this years Eurovision logo and theme. Juliana did not wear the outfit she will use during the semifinal where she will wear a black outfit with silver elements. According to, smoke effects were also used.
Below you can take a look at the first rehearsal yourself:
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Juliana arrived in Oslo

Follow for the first rehearsal tomorrow.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Our review on the Eurovision Songcontest 2010 songs.
Hi, now that the Eurovision Songcontest is only 2 weeks away and all final versions of the songs are out, we want to share our thoughts about each and every song in this year's competition with you.
Let's start in the order the songs will be performed:
Statement of Arben = red, statment of Ole= black
Remember, these are only our opinions, respect them :)
If we wrote similar things, it is because we wrote them without seeing the others statements.
Write us in the comments if you agree or disagree with us, or tell us your Top countries of this year, if you wish. :D
Let's start in the order the songs will be performed:
Statement of Arben = red, statment of Ole= black
Remember, these are only our opinions, respect them :)
If we wrote similar things, it is because we wrote them without seeing the others statements.
Moldova: Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira - Runaway
Arben: "I love it, when such songs open a semifinal/final. This song will profit from singing first. A pity that it's not as good in live as in studio."
Ole: "I think this song fits being the first song in a ESC semifiinal. Even though the moldavian final had many good acts that I would rather see in Oslo, I think this will look good live at a big stage."
Russia: Peter Nalitch and Friends - Lost and forgotten
Arben: "First this song annoyed me to hell, now I actually like the weirdness of this song. It 's very unusual and unique, indeed. I'd not be bothered with it stuck in the semi though. Nevertheless, the “babushkis” from the Russian National Final should have won instead of him. They sure would have been in my personal Top 3 and a great score in Oslo. Bad move, Russia"
Ole: "A really original song from Russia this year, and I can't help liking the dialog in the second verse. This act isn't ment to be serious, but still it isn't mocking ESC."
Estonia: Malcolm Lincoln - Siren
Arben: "Another 'unique' song! The refrain stuck in my head right after first listen. I'm really interested in the outcome of their position this time."
Ole: "Sorry to all who like this song, but I don't get it. I think it is boring, and it doesn't give me any emotions. I'm pretty sure we won't hear this song in the final."
Slovakia: Kristina Pelakova - Horehronie
Arben: "And there we have my personal No.4! Ethnic, rhythmic sound and still so relieving at the same time. I adore the 'Hallelujah' part of the background singer, try to sing like that! Slovakia will show the Czech Republic that it's actually not the countries Middle European location, that let them stuck in the semis..."
Ole: "I loved Slovakia last year, and once again their sending a great song. The song also manage to be patriotic in a good way. Maybe we'll see the first really good result for Slovakia this year?"
Finland: Kuunkujskaajat - Työlki ellää
A.: "First I really got annoyed by this song, especially by the refrain, which sounded so disharmonic to me. Now i can quite stand it and I have nothing against seeing it in the final either. *clap clap*"
O.: "Once again, Finland sends an entry that's totally different from the last years. I think this years entry is catchy, and I'm glad to hear finnish in ESC again."
Latvia: Aisha - What for?
"The National Final of Latvia was the NF with the most qualitative songs in this year in my opinion. "What for" is amongst them, the lyrics, yes, are a bit stupid. Nevertheless, nice tune. The only thing which would make me not like this song on the stage, would be her fake tears :rolleyes:"
I believe the lyrics here can be interpreted differently based on religious beliefs, but not offensive to anyone, which gives it another dimention. I wonder in which way the message will be presented in Oslo.
Serbia: Milan Stankovic - Ovo je Balkan
"Eeeeeeh-e-e-ej :D Bregovic + Stankovic= Fantasticno! I can't get enough of this song. My favourite this year. (For all Albanians/Serbs out there, again, leave politics out of ESC)"
"Perhaps the most ethnical entry this year, which probably will have problems getting points from the people in the west who don't listen much to eastern european music. For me it's a very positive song, and also very catchy after a few listenings."
Bosnia & Hercegovina: Vukasin Brajic - Thunder and lightning
"It was the day I was always afraid of: Bosnia sending a dull song. Oh well, the song is nice but this guy sounds like a duck. Sorry, you disappointed me."
"This doesn't get better than "ok" for me. The lyrics has a positive message, but there is too little energy in it for me to get excited about it."
Poland: Martin Mrozinski - Legenda
"What an opening! What a dramatic climax and then what a... ANTIclimax! The parts between the refrain and the polish parts, that are great, are aweful. So hard to judge a song which you love in one moment and totally dislike in the next."
"This is one of my big favourites this year. And like many other songs this year, it's made with "real instruments" only. I look forward seeing in which way the ethnical part and the dramatic end will be presentated on stage."
Belgium: Tom Dice - Me and my guitar
"Relaxing song, really enjoyable. I read my newspaper with it and in the middle of the song i thought it was a radiosong and forgot it is an ESCsong. I can see a great effect of the performance of him being alone with his guitar on stage."
"In between of all the drama and glamour, Belgium will be like a fresh breath of air for many. But I think that this song is a little bit too simple. I guess it will be around nr. 10/11 in the semi, so therefore I'm excited to see if it goes to the final."
Malta: Thea Garrett - My dream
"This is a Chiara song without Chiar(a)isma. A nice experience for Thea to be on the semifinal stage, but that should be it, please."
"I love ballads, but in a year full of ballads, this one doesn't stand out from the others in any way. I like the arrangement of the song, specially in the chorus."
Albania: Juliana Pasha - It's all about you
"I was not so keen about this song back in December when it was in Albanian, the rearrangement though made me really like our song. Juliana sure is under the performers with the most powerful voices. As all Albanian female singers made the final, Juliana will be of course no exception ;)"
"In my mind, this has the lyrics that sounds the best poeticly, Other than that, it has a lot of energy, given both from the arrangement and Juliana herself and her strong voice."
Greece: George Alkaios and friends - OPA
"Sparta meets ESC, huh! For me the most powerful song of the year and the best greek entry for years. I do not understand why so many dislike this song. It is the No.2 in my total ranking."
"An entry that do well at the bookmakers, but I have problems seeing why that is. Even though it has some ethnical elements, it's only average to me."
Portugal: Filipa Azevedo - Ha dias assim
"Boring song, gorgeous woman, fantastic voice. She deserved a better song for her voice. At least portugal was in the final for two times in a row, so even if they won't qualify, it won't be so hurtful as for Andorra."
"An priginal ballad from Portugal, which I hope the european jurygroups will like. It's exciting from beginning to end in my ears, but I don't think the average ESC watcher will be as excited after hearing it only once."
FYR Macedonia: Gjoko Taneski - Jas ja imam silata
A mixture of the Bosnian entry and the Macedonian could have been a great rock song, these two single songs do not convince me. FYROM's song has a catchy refrain and a better singer than Bosnia, certainly.
"I like this entry, and specially the chorus and the strong vocal. The rapping will come as a surprising element for many, but it still fits into the song in my opinion."
Belarus: 3+2 - Butterflies
"What-did-they-do? The first chosen song "Far away" from 3+2 was awesome. This song lacks identity. Just another ballad. Not good, not bad... aw"
This is a nice song, without the little extra to make it really good, so therefore it's a bit boring to me. At least the video and the studio version is well done, just as the song writing. But I don't think it's enough.
Iceland: Hera Björk - Je ne sais qoui
"If one oversees the fact that it's tad similar to Iceland 2008, you can quite enjoy it. Hera will sure rock the stage and I can imagine that the lights in Oslo will act up during this song."
"An ok song, presentated with a strong vocal. This song sounds ok from the first listening, at least for me, but it doesn't have anything special. And I don't like when songs have titles in another language than it's sung, unless it's in the native language. But a nice end for this interesting semi."
Arben's 10 semi 1 qualifiers: -TBA-
Ole's 10 semi 1 qualifiers: -TBA-
Lithuania: InCulto - Eastern European Funk
"Another nice opening song! I think it will do better than many expect."
"As in the first semi, the second starts with a lot of energy. It seems that the musicians loves what they do, something that hopefully will show on stage in Oslo."
Armenia: Eva Rivas - Apricot Stone
"The weakest song Armenia has sent to ESC to date. Nevertheless, i like it. Especially the part after the first refrain. 'Now I see the Northern stars...'."
"An easy-listening pop song with ethnical elements. I really like it, but I miss the simplicity of the first version, which is only kept in the first part of the first chorus in the final version"
Israel: Harel Skaat - Milim
"Wow, this song grew on me. A really amazing climax, as it should be. In one part it does actually remind me of "Zemren e lame peng - Olta Boka". Use of hebrew is again the right choice. My personal No.5"
"Harel Skaat has one of the absolutely strongers voices this year, and that combined with a well written original song, with a lot of drama and great arrangement too, this is my personal favourite this year."
Denmark: Chanée and N'Evergreen - In a moment like this
"Yes, this song is Abba, Tina Turner, Shania Twain and whatelse in one. But i loved it the very first time i listened to it, before the NF of Denmark. At that time not many liked this song, now it's at the top of the betting odds... hmm"
"Another song from G'son, that's said to be very simular to "Every breath you take". I don't care much about that, because it's a good pop song, and preformed by two skilled vocalists."
Switzerland: Michael von der Heide - Il pleut de l'or
"They destroyed the song with every new rearrangement of the song... I fear it will stuck in the semi. Poor switzerland :("
Even though this entry sounds very much like an ESC entry, it actually stands out from the other songs, I think. And it has a nice arrangement too.
Sweden: Anna Bergendahl - This is my life
"I like this song, actually i like most songs this year, and this is why this song is not so high in my rankings, even though i like listen to it... Ah, and she should take out batteries out of h..."
"Compared to earlier years, this years swedish entry is very minimalistic. I like both the song and the artists, but just maybe a little bit the wrong genre fro me personally."
Azerbaijan: Safura - Drip Drop
"As much as i do like this song, I'm sure I won't like it after the ESC, she's the Dima of 2010. Arrogant and her team tries to buy the win... EW"
"It's on top at the bookmakers, and I believe that this is the winner too. I don't like it when countries try "to buy" the victory, but the result here is very good and modern."
Ukraine: Alyosha - Sweet people
"Oooh sweet people, have i ever disliked a Ukrainian song? :p"
I like the "mood" in this song, but I don't feel it's going anywhere. So this songs doesn't really get a hold on me.
Netherlands: Sieneke - Ik bien verliefd, sha-la-li
"I want this in the final, it would be too funny. The whole continent would talk about it. And a spot in the final would be a nice change for the dutch people once in a while. Shalali, Shalala..."
"This year the dutch entry sounds dutch, which makes it seem much more authentic. The entry is full of positive energy, and will be liked by many age groups, I think."
Romania: Paula & Ovi - Playing with fire
"The voice of the male is just wrong and the woman is even worse. Oh, where is the good old Romania?!"
"An original and fresh duet, that I think manage to keep people interested through the whole song. Now I just wonder to what degree we will see real flames on stage."
Slovenia: Ansambel Roka Zlindre and Kalamari - Narodnozabavni rock
"Actually this song is quite funny. It annoys me how the male singer wants to get with the female singer and has no intention to hide that on stage. :rolleyes:
The change between rock and folk is unique and adds to the variety of this year'S line-up :)"
"It sounds almost as a mix between two different songs. Some times mixing styles works, but sadly, I don't think it works for Slovenia this year."
Ireland: Niamh Kavanagh - It's for you
"Like the Netherlands, Ireland is sending an autenthic song. I like the chorus better than then the verses of this song, and I think that the chorus itself maybe gets a bit too simple. But it's a song that is very relaxing in my opinion."
Bulgaria: Miro - Angel si ti
"Ah there is the Romania of this year! I could listen to the "oooooh"s in infinite loop and wouldn't be bored. The sound of freedom is in this song. Oh please, let him be good in live give him a ticket to the final *preys to Angel Miro refers to*"
"No remix needed for the disco- and nightclubs here. The verses are nice listening too, and then the chorus comes, which is perfect for a sing-along!"
Cyprus: Jon Lilygreen and the Islanders - Life looks better in spring
"Belgium vs. Cyprus: My winner is Cyprus. The whole song makes me really feel good. Plus there is some nice, dramatic touch in the song. Negative: Brits."
"A relatively simple melody, where I love the "drive" in the chorus. I get the feeling of "real musicians" when I look at this entry."
Croatia: Feminnem - Lako je sve
"The song has huge potential. A male singer should have sung it in my oipinion. Strong country, Croatia. The Ex-yugo points will concentrate on this song this year."
I think it's refreshing to hear RnB in another language than english, specially when it's well done like this entry. And the song builds up in a great way.
Georgia: Sofia Nizharadze - Shine
"This woman is such a fantastic singer, and again a pointless ballad (->Portugal). I hope it won't make the final."
"I think it's a nice pop ballad, but what I really love about this entry, is Sofias strong voice. I both think and hope her voice will shine through in Oslo."
Turkey: maNga - We could be the same
"The intro is like the best i heard in the recent years and the refrain destroys the complete song. A position between 8-13 in the final is ok."
"The only real rock-entry this year, and it's a good rock entry too, I think. After many ballads, this song will make a great ending of the second semi final."
Arben's 10 semi 2 qualifiers: -TBA-
Ole's 10 semi 2 qualifiers: -TBA-
Ole's 10 semi 2 qualifiers: -TBA-
Spain: Daniel Diges - Algo pequenito
"Algo pequenito, algo muy irrelevante. I beg you, zirkus, serious? This Rybak -ado of that clown won't work. The walzer rhythm is muy dulce anyway."
"Not only do I like the song, but I think it will look very nice live too, with the whole circus act. This entry has something special with it, that I really like."
Norway: Didrik Solli-Tangen - My heart is yours
"And there we have my personal No. 39 (together with Ireland, UK & Malta). Woah, this song hurts. When i first heard it, i thought, please not again. Well, maybe one more time at the grand final, but that must reach out, definitely."
"The melody in it self isn't very special, but I like the arrangement and Didriks strong voice, which lifts the song a lot."
UK: Josh - That sounds good to me
"See 'No(r)way'."
"I'm very disappointed with this years british entry, compared to last year. The song itself is too simple in my ears, even though Josh is a good pop-singer."
France: Jessy Matador - Alléz, ola, ole
"AAAAAAAAAAAAlleéz! Where is the sun? Come out already. Catchy, freaky, awesome. Can't wait for the perfo. in Oslo. The second time in two years France enters my Top 5, this year rank 4. Btw, as last year: All my Top 5 songs are sung in the own language!!!"
"I have my doubts about this live in ESC, but I might be wrong. The song really brings a summer mood, and I can't wait to see who will sing before and after such song."
Germany: Lena - Satellite
"Love, ouch, Love. Betting odds are odd. She is going to be the fail of the year. Yes, the song is catchy and absolutely super, BUT she will suck big time live on the stage. I'm sorry for Germany, I still hope I'm not right with what I said, but i MEAN it."
"Maybe the most catchy song in ESC this year, and it sounds very modern. My big question is how the jurygroups will find this entry."
Write us in the comments if you agree or disagree with us, or tell us your Top countries of this year, if you wish. :D
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