Friday, 29 October 2010
Breaking News: Genta Ismajli participating in Swiss National Final!
Breaking news: Genta Ismajli just contributed a song to the Swiss Web Selection for the National Final of Switzerland in December for Düsseldorf.
The song "This is my night" was just uploaded to the Online Preselction Songs.
Genta Ismajli is hugely known singer from Kosovo and to many sites and channels she said she would love to represent Kosovo at ESC when it enters. Until then it seems she is taking part in other National Finals now.
A great group of Kosovo-Albanian immigrants live in Switzerland.
10 songs of the Internet preselection will preoceed to the Swiss NF "Schweizer Repräsentant beim Song Contest 2011" on 11th December, maybe Genta will belong to them. It is to be decided by a jury, Internetusers and local Radio followers.
Listen to the song "This is my night" here!
The song is written by C. Cakim and S.Leugenberger, produced by N. Kings and has been recorded in Sweden.
The Swiss National final ends the 7 year old Albanian tradition of choosing its song + artist first in the ESC season.
Will an Albanian artist be chosen nevertheless as the first representative of a country for ESC this year again?
Genta Ismajli belongs to one of the most famous singers in the Albanian Music scene and will receive big support from many Albanian immigrants in Switzerland, so it's not unthinkable. We will stay tuned on the outcome and of course keep informing you!
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Selim Ishmaku passed away
On Tuesday morning the Artistic Director of last years Festivali i këngës, Selim Ishmaku died at the age of 59 after suffering from a whole year of cancer, tell his friend Alfred Kaçinari according to
He died at home where he lived with wife and his 2 children.
Since 2000 he was working for the RadioTelevisionSHqiptar as an instrumentalist, composer and conductor of the Orchestra of the RTSH, that always plays live at the Festivali i këngës.
Ishmaku, known for his activity as instrumentalist, composer and conductor, of ten years working in the Albanian Radio Television. His artistic career began in the Army Ensemble as violinist, worked at the Cultural Center for Children and Radio Tirana where he was editor of the music.
In the 45th edition of the FiK (2006) he was honoured for his work with the orchestra. Edmond Zhulali (Composer of 'Image of you' and 'Carry me into your dreams') called his death a great loss for the of an artist that was known for his orchestra work.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
AlbaVision live at FiK 2010!
Flights are booked, hotels too, we are ready! We are very happy to announce that the AlbaVision team will blog live from Tirana this December for a whole week.
From 19th to 25th Dec Ole and Arben will be blogging from the heart of Tirana right to you, about everything that goes on before and during the three nights of the 49. Festivali i këngës, the Albanian National Final for the Eurovision Songcontest 2011 in Düsseldorf ,Germany.
With our reports we will make you feel the Festival nearer than you've ever felt before.
Expect loads of exclusive Photos Videos News and maybe even live Interviews and more Specials you'll only get to see here.
More infos soon.
Your AlbaVision team
Saturday, 23 October 2010
New deadline for Festivali 49

RTSH has moved the deadline for submitting songs to November 6th. The earlier deadline was October 20th which means that now Albanian artists have two weeks from now to work on their songs, specially singers also working with Kënga Magjike at the moment.
According to esctoday, Besa Kokëdhima is expected again to take part in Festivali i Këngës this year, but this hasn't been officially confirmed yet. All in all there will be 28 acts in this years edition of FiK, and AlbaVision will keep informing you as soon as we can about the artists who confirm their participation. Stay tuned
Friday, 22 October 2010
Zhurma Awards for FiK-Stars
Two weeks ago, we reported about the 'Zhurma Show' Awards, the Video-Music-Awards of Kosovo (See previous article here). Many Stars of the Albanian National Final were nominated in the over 20 different categories. It appears that some of them go home as winners as the Show has been held yesterday.
Aurela Gaçe who was nominated in many categories, wins only one reward, which nevertheless is none other the the "BEST SONG" Award.
See the shortened list of Winners below:
Bold = FiK participant that won a prize
(FiK '05) = Albanian NF in December '05 for Esc '06
Dafina Rexhepi
Troja ‘mbretnesha kohë’
Genta 'shkune tune'
Korab Shaqiri 'verën e kaluar'
Adelina Berisha ‘party people’
Blero(FiK '07) 'nuk mundem pa ty'
Mc Kresha 'lej flleshat'
Vesa Luma (FiK '04/'07) - 'amanet'
Mario Bischin ft Revolt Klan 'id lover'
Mimoza Shkodra 'ndarja'
Labi 'mesazhin në telefon'
Adelina Ismaili
Shpat Kasapi (FiK '04/'08)
Blero & Teuta Krasniqi
Dj. Jaz ft Hekuran Krasniqi & Legenda 'çokollatë'
Edona Llalloshi (FiK '05) - “Romanca”
Aurela Gaçe (FiK winner '99 & '01) feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale”
(AV Summerhit winner)
Labi 'mesazhin në telefon'
Genta 'shkune tune'
Dafina Rexhepi
Troja ‘mbretnesha kohë’
Genta 'shkune tune'
Korab Shaqiri 'verën e kaluar'
Adelina Berisha ‘party people’
Mc Kresha 'lej flleshat'
Vesa Luma (FiK '04/'07) - 'amanet'
Mario Bischin ft Revolt Klan 'id lover'
Mimoza Shkodra 'ndarja'
Labi 'mesazhin në telefon'
Adelina Ismaili
Shpat Kasapi (FiK '04/'08)
Blero & Teuta Krasniqi
Dj. Jaz ft Hekuran Krasniqi & Legenda 'çokollatë'
Edona Llalloshi (FiK '05) - “Romanca”
Aurela Gaçe (FiK winner '99 & '01) feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale”
(AV Summerhit winner)
Labi 'mesazhin në telefon'
Genta 'shkune tune'
A full list of winners is listed here. (Alb. language)
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Besiana Mehmeti aims for ESC
In a talk to, Besiana Mehmeti confirmed that she send in a song to the RTSH for the Festivali i këngës 2010. The song was created in a collaboration with Ilir Tolaj and has been sent the RTSH in order to be accepted for the National Final in December.
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Besiana Mehmeti |
Return to FiK:
Besiana is no newcomer to the Albanian National Final. She competed in various previous festivals like 2004, 2006 and 2007, doing rather poorly qualifying only once for the final night.
This year her dreams won't be fulfilled with 'only' a qualification for the final.
"If everything works as planned, I hope to compete in the Eurovision Songcontest 2010"
Recently she published her newest single called "Klithje jete"(Watch below). Though it differs from her previous songs, Besiana is very satisfied with the song and the way it's been welcomed by the media and listeners.
Besiana Mehmeti - Klithje jete
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Exclusive: Confirmed Participation
It's been today that the song submission phase was closed and we now are searching for artist that intend to take part at the Albanian National Final this year.
Today Dorina Garuci confirmed her participation toAlbaVision. This would be her overall third attend in the festival.
Dorina Garuci at FiK 2009
Song seems familiar to you? See our exclusive interview with Dorina here.
Song submission phase closed
[20th October - 14:30 h]
Half an hour ago the first phase of the Festivali i këngës ended. All songs for the 49th. edition of the Albanian National Final are now submitted and a jury picks the 28 competing songs in the upcoming weeks.

So now we will hvae to go round and ask which artists can confirm a participation at the Albanian National Final for Düsseldorf 2011.
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Olta Boka presents her new song

Olta Boka is the third former Eurovision participant to present her song fo the Kënga Magjike this year. As previously reported, Juliana Pasha and Luiz Ejlli are also taking part in this years edition, with the song "Sa e shite zemrën".
You can take a look at the song here:
What do you think of the song? Leave a comment and tell us what you think!
Shemsi Mushkolaj tries luck in the Netherlands

Some years ago she moved to the Netherlands where she works as a German teacher until today.
Shemsi at the German National Final 2002
Now, at an age of 28 years, she showed up in a talent show in Netherlands and experiences a great comeback in the dutch show "Voice of Holland", the dutch equivalent to X-Factor where she seems to be one great favourite.
Maybe we will see her on the ESC-scene again for the Netherlands one day. Her career at least is on a good way at the moment.
Shemsi's appearance in "Voice of Holland"
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Albavision becomes AlbaVision
On our search for the right look of our page and the best message to describe the blog and make it as attractive as possible, we are finally on step further. Above you can see our new logo and the font we chose for the heading. We will of course stick to our new slogan "AV - serving you with the latest news around the Albanian Eurovision scnen and more" and go on bringing every news to you we can find.
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The new logo |
The Festivali i këngës draws nearer and nearer and we are proud to be ready for it, wait for more big news to come from our side. The big blog picture will be redesigned too in some time, probably when we know the next Albanian representative for Düsseldorf.
Why did we chose this font?
We wanted to find something memorable, something that makes you immediately come to think of The symbol for AV you can see on the right seemed to fit perfectly to our criteria.
We hope you like the new look of the page, more to come for sure!
Friday, 15 October 2010
No Albanian for Italy's possible return
Dorina Leka, who was born on 4th February 1986 in Tirana and currently lives with her family in Trieste in Italy and works as a Webdesigner, had to leave the Italian X-Factor show after the 7th show on Tuesday. She was competing in the category "Female 16-24". The X-Factor winner is said to be the representative of Italy at the ESC 2011 in Germany, IF Italy returns.
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Dorina Leka |
Let's see whether we hear news of her in some time.
Dorina Leka performs "Simply the best" at X-Factor
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Ledina Çelo is pregnant!
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Ledina Çelo |
If the news about Ledina being back to Tirana to take part in many festivals as it was said thus may be false.
At least a come back to the ESC stage is rather unthinkable now.
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
No news in October?
News seem to be rare at the moment, but we still found some rather little ones of FiK stars :)
And of course we have some BIG NEWS coming very soon from our side.
The first news is from Teuta Kurti who took part several times in the Festivali i këngës these past years, unfortunately not too successful, though participating with wonderful songs. To the magazine SH2 she told that she is very soon going to be married. It will be a rather small, traditional wedding and kept intime with family and close friends only, so she said. The wedding should take place at the end of this year or beginning of the next.
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Teuta Kurti & Flaka Krelani |
Flaka Krelani - Le të bëhet çfarë të doje (FiK '09)
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Albanian Song in Swiss Preselction
Thius year's Swiss National Final is to be held even before the Albanian Festivali i këngës in December. Still the possibility of an Albanian song being chosen as the first ESC song in the National Final season is still possible.
A group called "The Colors & Ilira" send in a song to the Swiss Online preselection. The languages in the song "Home" are Albanian and 'Bern German'.
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The Cover |
10 songs of the Internet preselection will preoceed to the Swiss NF "Schweizer Repräsentant beim Song Contest 2011" on 11th December, maybe Ilira and the Colors belong to them. We will stay tuned on the outcome. It is to be decided by a jury, Internetusers and local Radio followers.
Listen to the song "Home" below. The song and the girl do reminds us a bit of Olta. Best of luck from our side.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Linda Halimi confirmed for Festivali i Këngës 49

One of last years participants is the first artist to confirm her participation in this years Albanian national final. The 21 year old Kosovar singer is also taking part in Kënga Magjike this year, but after many composers contacted her about taking part in Festivali i Këngës, she has decided to take part in both festivals, as Kejsi Tola did last year.
Linda tells about her participation to esctoday: "I am going to try again but this year I will be alone on stage. The song which I will enter Festivali i Këngës 49 is a sentimental ballade. Eurovision has always been my dream since when I was a child. I hope to be the country’s representative and to perform on that amazing stage".
The list of all the participants will be released next month. Genta Ismajli is also rumoured to be on the list, even though this hasn't been confirmed yet.
Linda at last years edition, together with Erti Hizmo, with the song "Nuk të dorëzohëm"
Cataluña calling
"Hello this is Arben, blogging the first time through the mobile service, testing for further articles. At thr moment I am in Barcelona for 4 more days. Apart from a first given name for FiK '10 luckily there are no big news. If so you will be straight informed by Ole. Thx hasta luego, Arben."
Sunday, 3 October 2010
FiK stars nominated for 'Zhurma Show' Awards
On 20th October 2010 the 6th edition of the " Zhurma Show Awards" will be held in Prishtina. In this annual show, prizes are being awarded for the best music videos of Albanian stars. In the 20 categories many former participants of the Festivali i këngës are represented. One of the most nominated is Aurela Gaçe with the song "Origjinale" (Albavision Summerhit 2010). Also Blero, who sent in a song to FiK 2007 but later refused to take part for some reason, is highly nominated. Adrijan Gaxha, who represented Macedonia at the ESC in Belgradein 2008 is nominated once.
Below you see the categories and the nominees in which FiK particpants are represented:
Bold = FiK/ESC participant
(FiK '05) = Albanian NF in December '05 for Esc '06
Alban Skenderaj (FiK '06, jury '07, host '09)- “Si më parë”
Argjentina - “Tip”
Troja - “Mbretnesha kohë”
The Grips Kthjellu - “Tonight is Your Night”
Vedat Ademi (FiK '08) - “Koha s’kthehet”
Argjentina - “Tip”
Troja - “Mbretnesha kohë”
The Grips Kthjellu - “Tonight is Your Night”
Vedat Ademi (FiK '08) - “Koha s’kthehet”
Edona (FiK '05) - “Romanca”
Genta - “Shkune tune”
Kaltrina Selimi - Harrom”
Miriam Cani (FiK '05) - “Mos më ndal”
Mirsa Kërçeli - “Status quo”
Genta - “Shkune tune”
Kaltrina Selimi - Harrom”
Miriam Cani (FiK '05) - “Mos më ndal”
Mirsa Kërçeli - “Status quo”
Adrijan Gaxha (ESC '08 for Macedonia)- “E brenduar”
Aurora - “Dikur”
Blero(FiK '07) - “Nuk mundem pa ty”
Kastro Zizo - “Mullaga”
Stine - “Pse
Aurora - “Dikur”
Kastro Zizo - “Mullaga”
Stine - “Pse
Aferdita Dreshaj – “Shumë Trafik”
Elvana Gjata (FiK '03) – “A Ke Ti Zemër” (AV Summerhit competition)
Vesa Luma (FiK '04/'07) – “Amanet”
Zaimina Vasjari – “Problem”
Zanfina Ismaili – “Vetëm Ti”
Elvana Gjata (FiK '03) – “A Ke Ti Zemër” (AV Summerhit competition)
Vesa Luma (FiK '04/'07) – “Amanet”
Zaimina Vasjari – “Problem”
Zanfina Ismaili – “Vetëm Ti”
Besart Halimi – “Ti nuk më ndjen”
Kastro Zizo & Blero feat Klevis – “Gjinkalla (remix)”
Mario Bischin ft Revolt Klan – “Id Love”
Mili ft. dj Zzap – “Ti Je Larg”
Nrg Band – “Atmosfera”
Kastro Zizo & Blero feat Klevis – “Gjinkalla (remix)”
Mario Bischin ft Revolt Klan – “Id Love”
Mili ft. dj Zzap – “Ti Je Larg”
Nrg Band – “Atmosfera”
Alban Mehmeti – “Ti më Çmend”
Labi – “Mesazhi në Telefon”
Shpat Kasapi (FiK '04/'08) – “Mëkatare si Gjithmonë”
Labi – “Mesazhi në Telefon”
Shpat Kasapi (FiK '04/'08) – “Mëkatare si Gjithmonë”
Adelina Ismaili
Dafina Zeqiri
Elvana Gjata
Dafina Zeqiri
Elvana Gjata
Shpat Kasapi
Shpat Kasapi
2po2 ft. Tuna & Dafina Zeqiri – “Vibe”
Aurela Gaçe (FiK winner '99 & '01) feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale”
Dj. Jaz ft Hekuran Krasniqi & Legenda – “Çokollatë”
TDS ft. Nora – “Ka Je”
Tingulli Trent ft. Ermal Fejzullahu – “I Kom”
Aurela Gaçe (FiK winner '99 & '01) feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale”
Dj. Jaz ft Hekuran Krasniqi & Legenda – “Çokollatë”
TDS ft. Nora – “Ka Je”
Tingulli Trent ft. Ermal Fejzullahu – “I Kom”
Aurela Gaçe feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale” (AV Summerhit winner)
Labi – “Mesazhi në Telefon”
Mc Kresha – “Lej Flleshat”
Mimoza Shkodra – “Ndarja
Vesa Luma – “Amanet”
Labi – “Mesazhi në Telefon”
Mc Kresha – “Lej Flleshat”
Mimoza Shkodra – “Ndarja
Vesa Luma – “Amanet”
Blero – “Tara”
Edona Llalloshi – “Dilema”
Labi – “Padrejtësi në Dashuri”
Mc Kresha – “Patikat e Mija”
Sinan Vllasaliu – “Mendje e Madhe”
Edona Llalloshi – “Dilema”
Labi – “Padrejtësi në Dashuri”
Mc Kresha – “Patikat e Mija”
Sinan Vllasaliu – “Mendje e Madhe”
2po2 ft. Tuna & Dafina Zeqiri – “Vibe”
Adelina Berisha – “Party People”
Aurela Gaçe feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale”
Genta – “Shkune Tune”
The Grips Kthjellu – “Tonight Is Your Night”
Adelina Berisha – “Party People”
Aurela Gaçe feat Dr. Flori & Marsel – “Origjinale”
Genta – “Shkune Tune”
The Grips Kthjellu – “Tonight Is Your Night”
We will report about the outcome.
Saturday, 2 October 2010
The Albavision Top 15 (Sep. 2010)
In the Albavision Charts section we show you our most played songs of the month. Semptember has come to its end and below you see the Albavision playlist of that month :)
1) Taha, Khaled & Faudel - Abdel Kader
2) Elvana Gjata (FiK '03) - A ke ti zemer?
3) Sexion D'Assault - Désolé
4) Aurela Gaçe (FiK Winner '99 & '01) - Origjinale
5) Flori (FiK '08) - Playback
6) Juliana Pasha (ESC '10) - It's all about you
7) Snow Patrol - You could be happy
8) Monte Negro - Me duele no ester junto a ti
9) Monrose (German NF '07) - This is me
10) Denisa Macaj & Olta Boka - Aria (Duet night FiK '09)
11) Sasa Kapor - C'est la vie
12) Swedish House Mafia - One
13) Gossip - Pop goes the world
14) Makhno Projekt - Odessa Mama
15) Gjorgos & Friends - Opa (Greece ESC '10)Featured song: 3) Sexion D'Assault - Désolé
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