How big are Aurela's chances? First of all, we'll have a look at what the
bookmakers say about whether she will make it or not. At the moment, Albania is ranked as number 11 and 12; by betting 100 euros on Aurela
to the final, you'll get around 200 euros back if she makes it. A simular result is seen right now among the ESC fan clubs, predicting Aurela to be one spot from qualifying. Also the readers of
escstats.com place Aurela 11th.
What about the TV experts? The artists and experts of the known Swedish
Inför Eurovision, are divided in theit view of the Albanian entry, and thinking that Aurela's voice was strong, while the video not as good. But in host country Germany things seems better,
and the expert of the German broadcaster ARD

believes that Albania will go to the final, and might reach a 14th place there.
So which conclution should we draw from this? It seems that Albania will be one of those countries that either qualify or not qualify by a small margin this year, which can make the upcoming semi very exiting. Perhaps it will be Aurela's experience and strong voice that secures that the tradition for Albanian females to reach the final.

The second rehearsal is tomorrow at
11:30 - 12:00, followed by a new press conference. But while you wait, you can take a look at some more from the last rehearsal and press conference