Bilder hochladen

Sunday 12 September 2010

The 49th edition of the Festivali i kenges starts!

The first phase -Song selection - of the Festivali i kenges #49 has officially started.The RTSH officially invites artists to send in Songs for the FiK on it's webpage now.

Songs will be accepted until the 20th of October 2010, 02:00 pm by Radio TIRANA.

If you (singer/composer) want to participate you need to fulfill following criteria:

As the Festivali i kenges is a project that promotes and encourages the Devellopment of Albanian songs, it is required that all involved with the song (+ singer) have to be Albanian.
  1. The song must be recorded on CD and be sent in in a completed form.
  2. Send in two copies of the songtext
  3. Send in a Photo of the singer, if you participate for the first time
Rules for a participation at the Festivali i kenges.
  1. The competing songs for the FiK will be selected by a jury committee. After sending in a song, participants in the Songselectionphase must fill out a form in which composer, songwriter and other involved (including singers) have to be listed nominally.
  2. The song is not allowed to be released before the FiK.
  3. The song must be sung in Albanian.
  4. You can only participate with one song (counts for artists and composers)
  5. Songwriter are allowed to write lyrics for 2 songs max.
The RTSH wishes good luck and success with the creativity to all participants.

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