In an interview to esctoday and another to Telegrafi Juliana Pasha (ESC '10) revealed some news we'd like to summarize in this short article:
Before ESC '10
Juliana Pasha stated that whe won't participate in this years Albanian National final for the Eurovision Songcontest 2011 as she wants to enjoy her first place of last year a little longer, but she can imagine representing Albania one day again.
Her album with Christian songs is still being produced and gave away that her fans can expect some surprises in the future and a mellow Juliana when she comes back with new projects.
It is one of her superior goals to bring important messages through her new songs to the audience in future. We can only prepare ourselves and wait.
The polls have been closed and the we have the first winner of the Albavision Summerhit competition, in which only former Albanian National Final Stars with a Summerhit are allowed to be part of.
This year we started with a simple Duel between two enormous hits of Albania:
On the one side Elvana Gjata with "A ke ti zemer" and on the other Aurela Gaçe, Dr. Flori and Marsel with "Origjinale".
Starting off as a neck-and-neck race, the team around Aurela could gain the upper hand after more votes arrived. In the end Aurela Gaçe won the competition, being voted most by our participating visitors with 2/3 % of the votes.
Therfore Aurela Gaçe are the firsts to win the web Award and title "Albavision Summerhit". Congrats and thank you to all voters. The video of Origjinale is being played on the banner for one week as a prize.
As announced in the previous article Juliana Pasha and Luiz Ejlli preformed their new song "Sa e shite zëmrën?" (For how much did you sell your heart?), produced by none other than Pirro Çako, one of the big names in the Festivali i këngës scene.
And for you, we recorded the performence in audio and video version and upload it here exclusively for our visitors to hear it first!(Ole did the Audio work and Arben the Video work, so it's a real team thing!)
This is the song, with which they will compete at the "Kënga magjike" by the way.
Juliana Pasha (Esc '10) stated that tomorrow she will present her brandew single, a duet with Luiz Ejlli (Esc '06), with which they will compete in the 'Kënga Magjike' in November, in Ardit Gjebra's show "E diela". Ardit Gjebra is the composer of "It's all about you" and has maybe also created the new duet of Juliana and Luiz.
Juliana Pasha
To watch "e diela shqiptare" tomorrow at around 16:30 p.m. click this link and click on TV Klan for the channel.
Info to all Albanians: Tonight (25th) she will be singing live in the "Beergarden" in Tirana.
Another news come from who report that Kejsi Tola told a "local newspaper" that due to her start at the University of Arts she won't have much time to concentrate on her musical career in the near future. Therefore a participation at the Festivali i këngës is doubtable though not completly impossible as she stated to see what offers come. We wish Kejsi a wonderful start at the Academy and hope to see her back in the music scene soon! :)
In these weeks there have been more news about Albanian National final stars, which would not have had enough content to fill a whole article alone, therefore they are summed up in this little sort of 'Newsflash'.
Helena Paparizou:
The Greek winner of the ESC 2005 is coming to the Qemal Stafa Stadium in Albania on Saturday. In Tirana she will hold a concert alongside other famous Musicians from Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo. The entrance costs a bit more than 3 €, which makes more than clear that sponsors pay this concert mostly. In this case mostly Greek companies in Albania.
Besa Kokëdhima:
Many news from the FiK contestant in for ESC '09. She is going to be part of the Helena Paparizou concert in Tirana on Saturday, singing 3 songs of her repertoire. One of the songs she will present though is going to be the most recently released "Nuk jam ajo" (I'm not her), a duet with Jehona Sopi (Video on the right).
We have managed to contact Besa Kokëdhima and ask her about a studio version of her '09 FiK song "Ajër", after two visitors asked us to do so. She replied that actually there does not exist a studio version of "Ajër" but that she finds it a good idea to produce one and will do so. A little achievement from our side (yay).
Aida Ndoci Dyrrah:
Aida, Albanian representative in 2007 and Ex-wife of Frederik Ndoci has also released a new solo song with video. The song is called "Ah, ah... Ti" and a has some certain orientalic touch. Enjoy the video on the left.
Olta Boka:
And last but not least, as promised we finally found and upload a Studio Version of "Tak Tak ja bën tek porta" by Olta and his dad exclusevily for you here.
Frederik Ndoci (ESC '07) has proudly announced that the birth of his little daughter Marilu has taken place. Marilu is born on September 2010. It was nevertheless not Aida Ndoci who gave birth to the Newborn, but a woman called Alisa, who seems to be his new wife/-to be.
See the photos below for more information:
Photo Gallery
Click on photos for full view
Before the birth; Frederik sings for this special event.
Alisa and Frederik before one day before. In the background: some souvenir from Helsinki 2007!
Healthy Marilu and happy Frederik.
We wish Frederik, his family and little Marilu the best for the future.
In an Interview to Shekulli online, Edmond Zhulali, the Head Producer of the Festivali i Këngës, announced that there will be new promotions for the Festivali i këngës itself and the winner.
He also stated that only 5 artists will stuck in each semi leaving a 18-contestants-final on 25th of December.
There will be two different lots of juries voting in the final. One is the original FiK jury, while the other consist of members from Radio Stations and Television operators.
Giving every song and performance its own Identity on stage is one of the main aims of the producers this year, therefore more visual backgrounds and dancers can be used by the artists to give the own song one very special touch.
Edmond finally said something the Albavision-team thought since long: "After the Festival the songs, the singers and the composers slowly get forgotten again by the mass" and therefore for the first time a CD will be published with all the FiK-2010-Songs on it in Studioversions.
Additionally, songs of the festival will be aired on Radios and played by Channels belonging to the RTSH.
After the Albanian National Final for 2011 two documentations will be broadcasted, the first one is a flashback on the festival with facts and figures about the songs stars and staff, the second one a promotion for the Albanian representative for ESC in Germany in Albanian and English language.
But this year the orchestra will once again not be fully live, as it would be too expensive for the RTSH organizing a foreign service with great expense and specialized people.Nevertheless, at least the singers sing live and a part of the orchestra playing is not pre-recorded.
The preparations for this years Festivali i kenges, the National Final for the ESC 2011 have started. Many more details have now been published by Radio Television Shqiptar.
This year the Festivali i kenges system is more like the ones before 2008, which means there will be only 3 nights this year. Two semifinals with 14 artists each and a final with songs the jury chose from the semifinals.
The voting procedure will be similar to last year: All juries get a set of 1 to 8, 10 & 12 point (unlike 1-20 last year) and vote for the best 10 songs in each semi/final.
All in all we will have 28 contestants fighting for the ticket to Germany.
Bojken Lako
The new director of the Festivali i kenges is Bojken Lako, who has been participant himself last year, Bashkim Zahajn will be the stage director and Alfred Kaçinari the musical director. As we are the first English site to serve you with these details, stay tuned with us for more news around the Festivali i kenges.
The 49th edition of Festivali i Këngës will this year be held over three nights, consisting of two semifinals with 14 songs in each one. That means, that neither the duet night or the night of the young artist initially is part of the format this year!
Unlike the last 3 editions, when the final was on a Sunday, this year the final will be held on a Saturday. The final will as usual take place in the Palace of Congresses. will of course give you all the further details as they are released!
The list of the 56 participants that will take part in Kënga Magjike 2010 was released today, and it contains many well known names for Eurovision fans. As previously reported on, Juliana Pasha will take part in the competition again, and she will do that together with Luiz Ejlli. They also participated together in Festivali i Këngës in 2008, where they came second with the song "Një jetë". Juliana and Luiz represented Albania in ESC respectively in 2010 and 2006. Another known Eurovision star who is taking part, is Olta Boka. The Albanian representative from 2008 also took part in the last edition of Kënga Magjike, where she finished ninth with the song "Jepu me zemër". We will also see Adrian Gaxha, who also took part in ESC in 2008, for FYR Macedonia.
Among the other former Festivali i Këngës participants, we find Pirro Çako, Linda Halimi, Era Rusi, Burn, Teuta Kurti, Greta Koçi, Vesa Luma and Voltan Prodani. You can take a look at the whole list HERE!
Kënga Magjike will be held at the dates 17th, 18th and 19th November
The first phase -Song selection - of the Festivali i kenges #49 has officially started.The RTSH officially invites artists to send in Songs for the FiK on it's webpage now.
Songs will be accepted until the 20th of October 2010, 02:00 pm by Radio TIRANA.
If you (singer/composer) want to participate you need to fulfill following criteria:
As the Festivali i kenges is a project that promotes and encourages the Devellopment of Albanian songs, it is required that all involved with the song (+ singer) have to be Albanian.
The song must be recorded on CD and be sent in in a completed form.
Send in two copies of the songtext
Send in a Photo of the singer, if you participate for the first time
Rules for a participation at the Festivali i kenges.
The competing songs for the FiK will be selected by a jury committee. After sending in a song, participants in the Songselectionphase must fill out a form in which composer, songwriter and other involved (including singers) have to be listed nominally.
The song is not allowed to be released before the FiK.
The song must be sung in Albanian.
You can only participate with one song (counts for artists and composers)
Songwriter are allowed to write lyrics for 2 songs max.
The RTSH wishes good luck and success with the creativity to all participants.
According to, the Albanian broadcaster RTSH confirmed a participation in the ESC 2011 to the site. Additionally, they told them that the Festivali i kenges stays the National Final (Yay) and therefore denies rumours which had been spread around since an interview with staff of the Festivali i kenges right after Juliana Pasha's win in December 2009.
In a previous article we published the "Albavision Interview" with Dorina Garuci, competitor in the Albanian NF 2009 and 2010, in which she also told us about about her future musical plans. See the full interview here.
Dorina said that she was producing a videoclip to her new song "Me ty prane zemres" in the Interview, now this video has just been released and of course there is no way we wouldn't post that immediately ;)
Last year a new format of the Festival i kenges was presented, introducing a "Beginner-night" for 20 unknown Albanian artists/composers to take part in the FiK, in which only 2 of the 20 would be added to the final line up with the 'big' stars. One of these two newcomers was Iris Hoxha with the song "Zërin tim ta ndjesh" (Eng: Hear my voice).
Now the webpage "Eurovisionary" says in an article she told them in an interview she is eager to participate in this year's Albanian NF again and will submit a song until the deadline of submissions in mid-Octobre. Also, she states her deep wish to have the chance to represent Albania in the ESC one day.
Whether Iris gets the permission to have her 2nd appearence on the FiK stage in Decembre, is to be decided by directors of the FiK who choose the 20 competing songs?
Has been a long time since there were real news about 2010 Albanian representative Juliana Pasha, but she has been working much lately on new projects so she tells now.
Juliana Pasha
A new show will be produced by the Albanian channel "TopChanel" called "You and me" and Juliana is invited to be part of it. More of that later.
But she also announced that she is going to participate in the "Kenga Magjike" 2010, a very popular Festival like the FiK but more modern and bigger, in which many FiK stars participate.
So does Juliana and comes up with a brandnew single. It will be presented on the nights of the "Kenga Magjike 2010" on 17th ,18th and 19th of November.
As announced last month the time has come Albavision to have an own Youtube account, with all own videomaterial we will have got. It has been opened and the channel is called Albavisiontk. It will be used more frequently with time, things are going step by step ;)...
To remind you on the current poll on the right side we have uploaded a litlle "recap" video for the two songs. The quality is improvable, but our channel on Youtube and the videos are still in BETA at the moment :)
See a preview recap in our video below or see the full "Albavision Summer hit article" here and the videos on the right bar in the mini player.
Vote now for the Albavision summerhit 2010, it's a close race till now, every vote really counts in the end.
In times of no news, Albavision uses that situation to bring some articles about the past. In the first episode of "Flashback", we want to take a closer look at Anjeza Shahihi and the song "Ne pasqyre", which would have represented Albania in the ESC 2010 if Juliana had denied to travel to Oslo for Albania, because Anjeza came second in the FiK 2009.
It was with Anjeza, when Albania debuted in the ESC 2004, managing to land a place 7 on the final ranking with the song "The Image of You". To this day no other participant set a better score for us. The news of Anjeza Shahini being back to the Festivali i kenges 2009 was therefore big news in November '09. High hopes of a second representation by Anjeza at the ESC could be felt of many ESC fans, making her the favourite to win the 48th FiK.
Anjeza at FiK '09
In November (09) the newspaper "Shekulli" published an Interview with Anjeza in which she talked about the song she would compete with and her attitude to another ESC representation. She made clear it would be the traditional Festival she returns to not the ESC in first place, nonetheless saying that she would not reject an offer for a ticket to Oslo. Additionally she told the magazine that Sokol Marsi, the composer of "Ne pasqyre" came to Anjeza and asked her if she would interprete that song at the Festivali i kenges as he had thought her voice fitted perfectly for the song.
The day of Albanian National final 2009 had come and it was Anjeza Shahini opening the whole festival as act #1 of night 1, receiving an outstanding welcome by the audience.
See Anjezas performance at the FiK 2009 below
These are the english lyrics translated by Albavision :
In the mirror
You appear in my mirror,
always a different face.
I want to touch it, it does not speak
One piece of crystal without life.
Maybe it doesn't like me and will fool me.
How I'd like to say, that it's still me.
No, I don't believe you,
I'm still the same i was yesterday, only with make up,
don't fool me.
No, better forget it.
You're an unreal mask,
you don't let me breathe, you're lifeless.
Behind the mirror I search you.
I fear that you may break.
I fear to touch you,
so we both cannot break.
No, I still don't know
why are you still looking into my eyes?
What it does and doesn't show me at the same time.
Belive me, it's still me.
Refrain 2:
I don't know why i love you.
I don't know why i hate you.
You are another me,
my real me would not fool me.
I do not belive the mirror anymore
I'm still the one I was yesterday.
This make-up only only fools the eyes
and the soul doesn't recongnize itself anymore.
Refrain 2
When the voting procedure on the final night began, the first juries awarded their highscore of 20 points to Juliana Pasha and "Nuk mundem pa ty" a song which was a actually mostly unnoticed song in the line-up and all those sets of 20 points for Juliana made the whole voting phase look a bit inter-coordinated and monotone. The winner was clear after the first few sets of votes, with a distance to place two that couldn't be overtaken anyhow. Nevertheless, the only set of 20 points to Anjeza Shahini of one of the last jury member catapulted Anjeza onto place 2 and made the crowd go exessively wild, which had been never seen before in the National final (possibly only Kejsi's win in 2008 had a likewise euphoric crowd) and makes that moment a historic moment in the long history of FiK.
This was the first Flashback. Hope you like these kind of articles....
Since it's debut at the Eurovision Songcontest, Albania was the first to choose a represantative for the ESC every year until now. This had become a little tradition for the Eurovision Family in the last 7 years.
This season, for several reasons it seems that an other country will have its ESC represantative first:
1) Cyprus and Belgium already start in September with a search for an ESC talent
2) The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has decided that the ESC songs of 2011 can already be published from 01.09.10 on for the very first time, up to this ESC season the release-date had been the 1st October, which allow Cyprus (1) already to publish possible ESC entries that early.
3) Today Switzerland reported that they're new national final system will take place in early December, before the Albanian "Festivali i kenges", which is yet to be dated (mid-December).
4) Albania most likely wont change the old tradition of its festival taking place in December though, just to keep the short ESC tradition...
It is therefore most likely to have the frist ESC contestant + song from some other ESC country for the first time in 8 years and cutting a little record on the early ESC scene.
Nevertheless it has yet to be announced of the Albanian delegation, that we see Albania in ESC 2011 and whether the FiK stays their National Final (last year after Juliana's victory that was discussed in a talk show by the producers) . Albavision stays tuned on information of RTSH-sides...